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Investment planning

An independent and unbiased recommendation as to the suitability of your existing investment arrangements.

Our Investment Review Service is designed to provide you with an independent and unbiased recommendation as to the suitability of your existing investment arrangements.

This report will look in detail at the terms of your existing contracts and their performance.  It will cover the costs, guarantees, penalties, restrictions, tax status and evaluate their performance against suitable benchmarks.  We will also check the suitability of these funds against your attitude to risk. The report will provide recommendations on remaining with some or all of your existing investments, and how to invest additional funds or alternatively switching to more suitable investments.

If we recommend to transfer some or all of your investment, we will recommend a suitable alternative together with advising on how your funds should be invested to match your attitude to risk and long-term needs.  We will facilitate the new investments should you wish to proceed with our recommendation.

We feel connected to Mark, and he uses language that we can understand.

How much does this service cost?

Initial discussion: No charge.

Retirement Income Planning Report: £500 fixed fee.

Implementation of Retirement Income Planning Report: £3,500 fixed fee, which is normally paid out of the pension fund.

We also asked our clients what they most value about our help. They told us:

  • Support and assistance in meeting life goals
  • Providing a safe pair of hands
  • Gaining peace of mind

In our 2021 client survey, the three biggest concerns of those clients who have not yet taken from their pensions were:

  • My family’s financial security should anything happen to me
  • Not having enough money to live my preferred lifestyle in retirement
  • The level of investment returns

For those who had already started to take benefits from their pensions, the top three concerns were:

  • Not having enough money to continue living my preferred lifestyle in retirement
  • My level of investment returns / potential losses
  • The technical aspects of pensions